Second Shan State Hluttaw (20th) regular meeting held on the second day

The second Shan State Hluttaw (20th) regular meeting (second day) was held today at 10:00 a.m. in the meeting hall of the Shan State Hluttaw office. First, the Speaker of the State Hluttaw announced that the 139 members of parliament who had the right to attend the meeting had 18 (18) leave requests and 87.05 percent attended the meeting (121). In the process of asking (13) star questions from (11) representatives of the state parliament, the relevant ministers of the state government replied. After that, on the first day of the State Hluttaw, Namthu Township Constituency No. (2) State Hluttaw Representative Daw Nan Sang Huan submitted a motion "to urge the Shan State government to establish short-term and long-term plans with a better system than the current one for waste management in Shan State," and one (1) State Hluttaw representative supported and discussed the motion.