National Races Affairs Committee

စဉ် အမည် မဲဆန္ဒနယ် ပါတီ တာဝန်
1 U Khun Degaul Loilem Constituency No(1) Union Solidarity and Development Party Chairperson
2 U Saw Lon Moene' Constituency No. (1) Shan Nationalities Democratic Party Member
3 U Sai Kyu Lashio Constituency No.(1) Union Solidarity and Development Party Member
4 U Sai Tin Oo Namhkam Constituency No.(1) Shan Nationalities Democratic Party Member
5 Dr. Tun Aung NyaungShweConstituency No.(၁) Inn National Development Party Member
6 Daw Tin May Tun Tachileik Constituency No.(1) Union Solidarity and Development Party Member
7 U Maw Shae Monghpyak Constituency No.(2) Union Solidarity and Development Party Member
8 U Myint Soe Naing Lawksawk Constituency No.(2) Union Solidarity and Development Party Member
9 U Kain Mai Muse Constituency No.(2) Union Solidarity and Development Party Member
10 U Zaw Oo Namtu Constituency No. (1) Union Solidarity and Development Party Secretary